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SDN ( Software Define Networking)

Software-defined networking (SDN) is a networking technique that communicates with underlying hardware infrastructure and directs traffic on a network using software-based controllers or application programming interfaces (APIs). Traditional networks, on the other hand, require specialised hardware devices (such as routers and switches) to govern network traffic. SDN can use software to establish and control a virtual network, as well as traditional hardware.

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Features of OTS Technologies SDN (Software Define Networking)

  • Simplify operations: Reduce complexity by decoupling the control and data planes, while making automation highly secure and scalable.
  • Achieve faster time to market: Deploy applications and services faster by leveraging open APIs. Easily integrate third-party products.
  • Build programmable networks: Eliminate manual configuration. Provision and manage data centers, campuses, and wide-area networks.
  • Lay the foundation for intent: Centralize configuration, management, control, monitoring, service delivery, and cloud automation.