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With Virtualization, you can be the market leader. So why stay behind Virtualization in simple words?

Virtualization technology enables more efficient utilization of computer hardware by creating an abstraction layer over them. It allows the hardware elements like processors, memory, storage, and more to be divided into multiple virtual computers, known as Virtual Machines. Each Virtual Machine behaves like an independent operating system and runs its own operating system. Virtualization Technology is also the basis of Cloud Computing.

Features of OTS Technologies Virtualization Services

Some of the features of our virtualization services include:

  • Improved Agility: Enable accelerated virtualization of critical business applications and improve storage Input/Output performance.
  • Higher Productivity: Ensure higher productivity focusing on simplifying storage management and hardware consolidation.
  • Advanced Resource Optimization: Ensure advanced resource optimization by combining the resources available and dividing the available bandwidth into independent channels.
  • Backup Support and Disaster Recovery: Secured backup and disaster recovery plan ensures proper management and storage of critical customer data.